Taurus Academy

What should I bring when my dog boards?
We provide blankets and toys for the dogs during their stay. This allows us to maintain a flea-free environment. We sanitize all bedding and chew toys daily, so this policy cuts down on lost or altered items (for example, your favorite dog blanket may come out of the washer looking very different than when it went in). Also, certain toys can be dangerous for some dogs and safety and comfort is our utmost priority. If you wish, we will accept an old T-shirt that has familiar scents of home. Please don’t bring anything you wouldn’t mind not getting back. Taurus is not responsible for lost items.
Do I bring my own dog food?
We provide Nature’s Variety Prairie Kibble Diet for Dogs and Chicken Meal & Brown Rice for our adult dogs. However, if your dog has skin or food allergies, we recommend you bring your own food. There is no extra charge for feeding your pup their regular food. Also, if your dog is a puppy, do bring their puppy food.
Can I drop off or pick up outside the open hours?
We are closed to the public so we can train, clean, and devote more of our time to the dogs. We have limited ‘people’ hours so we can have more ‘dog’ hours. In order to maintain this level of dog time, Taurus’ late policy is as follows: a late fee of $25 per dog if you have prior approval and $35 per dog without prior approval. If a client arrives without prior approval, and authorized personnel are not present, for safety reasons, we cannot release your pet.
Can my dog get a bath?
Absolutely. The price of the bath depends on the size and coat length of the dog. There are extra charges for de-matting, clipping nails, expressing anal glands, and the degree of difficulty. If we are unable to groom your dog, we can arrange for grooming at a separate facility.
Are there any activities other than playtime for my dog to participate in?
Yes. For an extra charge, we can take your pooch to the park, the hike and bike trail, or various fun places around town. All you have to do is ask.